Asking For Cash

So how do you ask for monetary gifts and not the traditional? Plain and simple, there is no easy way, and someone is always going to say something or have some qualm about anything you do so first piece of advice is ignore the haters and just do you boo boo. 

If you would like to know the best way to catch the least amount of flack and also the most recommended wedding etiquette for honeymoon funds is to….are you ready…not ask for cash on your invite. It may sound weird I know but technically speaking if you want to have a formal invite, you are not supposed to put registry information on your invite at all. That being said, this method banks on you having a wedding website and putting your website somewhere on your invite. 

With that in mind, yes the ideal way of asking for cash is being discrete about it. Have guests go to your website that they found on your invite, they go to the registry, and badda boom badda bing the honeymoon fund is there. 

While it is good to have the honeymoon fund at the tip top of your registry, it is courteous to include at least a few items on your registry, even if they’re not a necessity, so that the more traditional people are appeased, or don’t come complaining to you. 

So. Main tips are 

1: Don’t include a registry on your invite, just put your website on the invite somewhere.

2: On your registry on your site put your honeymoon fund at top.

3: Include a few other items on registry so it doesn’t look like a money grab.

4: Be willing to deal with whatever wish gets thrown your way, it’s bound to happen. 

If you would like to put something actually on your invite about a honeymoon fund, here are a few wordings or ideas you could use:

“Your presence is enough of a present for us. If it is your wish to bless us with a gift, we would greatly appreciate contributions to our wishing well to fulfill our dream of traveling abroad.

“No gifts necessary, if you’re stubborn and don’t abide by the rules, contributions to our travel fund would be above anything else we could ask. “

“Please do not feel obliged to buy us a gift; all that we are expecting is you. If you would like to give something, a contribution towards our honeymoon would be greatly appreciate.”

Friday we are covering what content should go onto wedding invites. Necessity or clutter?