What To Include On Wedding Invites

You need to know what goes on your invite? I have put into sections what I think should go on the invites based on budget, but here are the main things I would suggest:
Ceremony Location
Reception Location
Accommodation info
Wedding website (if don’t have one then registry)

Now what if you are a bare minimum modern bride or groom? Here is the least amount of info I can recommend in good conscious. A card that says go look at our wedding website. 

No please don’t do that. I think the bare minimum you can have is:
Ceremony Location
Reception Location
Website url (make sure website covers accommodations, attire, rsvp and registry)

So, if you a bride or groom ballin on a budget:
• One card simply addressing the previous bare minimum topics would be perfectly fine. 

If you are a bride with a little wiggle room on invite budget:
• Wedding invite card (covering name, date, time, ceremony),
• Details card (covering reception, accommodations, attire, rsvp on website)

If you are a bride willing to splurge a little:
• Wedding invite with formal introduction with names and date and time,
• Details card with ceremony location, reception location, attire, and wedding website,
• Accommodations card covering hotels and or taxi services such as shuttles or what not
• Rsvp card (that includes: name, attending or not, meal choice and dietary restrictions)
• Return envelope that is pre-stamped. 

I have seen some people who are wanting to save just do invites from their wedding websites and they just tell people its on the site or emailed to them. I am not a huge fan of e-invites (partially because its trying to put me out of business) but also because its not a tangible thing people can look at and be like oh $#!+ I forgot to RSVP to that. Or if the wedding is in a location with minimal service and they can’t find the address, or they can’t find the email that had the info on it. I think doing the bare minimum of having the main details on the card and other info on site is perfect for those trying to save, and if your not…make get your splurged invites through Younger Invites lol.